Vertical Glass Cleaner
Now we would like to introduce our vertical glass cleaner.
Ordinary glass cleaners are designed to place glasses horizontally on conveyors through cleaning process. But we have also made cleaners placed on conveyors vertically.
The advantage of vertical cleaner is that the width of the cleaner unit can be considerably smaller than horizontal type. In addition there is another advantage over horizontal layout cleaners. In case of vertical cleaners, the conveyor rollers contacts with glasses only at the thin edge. Therefore there will be no roller contact mark on the glass surface and particles generated from rollers are minimized.
The vertical cleaner we made was for the glass 1,400 x 1,100 mm with thickness of 3.2 mm.
Please contact us if you are interested in the vertical cleaners.
Vertical conveyors system of 11 meter length
Recently we succeeded in developing the vertical conveyor with 11 meter vertical stroke for a food manufacturer.
This conveyor is used to bring down retort pouches (100x200mm,thckness of 18mm) from upper floor to lower floor, at the speed of 20 meters per minute by means of holding rollers against the moving conveyor.
Despite the long vertical distance, cross sectional area (opening of the conveyor) could be kept rather small, 1 x 1 meter. We believe this is a unique development made possible by our long experience in those equipment.